
Your Basic Guide To Outdoor Tools and Maintenance 

Yearly outdoor maintenance and deep cleaning are crucial to maintaining your property’s sustainability. Of course, the process can be exhausting, and often, you may delay it because, ugh, who wants to spend their precious Sundays remodeling the yard, repairing the faucets, and fertilizing the grass? Alas, missing out on these refurnishes can make your home look unkempt and disorganized, spoiling the exterior’s aesthetics.  

Often, people don’t even know where to get started and what things to consider when they finally begin the annual repairs. And that’s where we come along to save your day. Here’s an outdoor maintenance checklist including all essential to-dos and must-have tools in your outdoor repairing plans.   

Yard Maintenance  

It’s not wrong to state that yard maintenance is probably an all-year-round job. But the more focused annual maintenance includes several other things not necessary in the inspections you conduct weekly. For instance, when planning an outdoor maintenance checklist, you must include much more than trimming or mowing the lawn.  

Plus, you also need to make additions according to the season. For instance, spring maintenance means fertilizing the garden, and fall maintenance mean planting the seeds of flowering plants that will bloom during the spring. In addition, you must also remove the wilted plantation to prepare the ground for new plants and trim hedges and trees.  

Check The Drainage 

Checking your drainage systems are among the ultimate outdoor maintenance essentials, especially as the summers and rainy seasons approach. High rainfall, flooding, and thunder can cause even more damage to your property because of the clogged drainage, which results in basement flooding.

Therefore, you must inspect the pipelines for potential clogging and remove accumulated debris, fallen branches, and dead leaves. This prevents stagnant water puddling and mold formation, ensuring sustainable outdoor maintenance.  

Inspect The Drywall 

Sidewalk cracks and broken drywalls can look underwhelming. Regardless of the elegant lighting and well-trimmed lawn, drywall chipping away can make your outdoor look lackluster.

Therefore, observing and repairing drywalls should always be on your outdoor maintenance checklist. You can even opt for pressure washers to remove the debris between the cracks after fixing nail pops, treating indentations, and filling the cracks with elastomeric caulking.  

Winterizing Outdoor Tools  

Don’t forget winterizing your outdoor tools when you start feeling the evening air becoming chilly and breezy. Add fuel stabilizer to your gas tanks, spray lubricants on all moving parts, and wipe every part more sensitive to rust using oil rags. This extends the tools’ usefulness because some equipment can be expensive. And you certainly don’t want them to freeze or lose efficiency because of extensive rusting.  

Valuable Tools For Optimal Assist  

Some must-have outdoor maintenance tools that do your job significantly easier include:  

  • Pole pruner (to help clean tree limbs) 
  • Blower (to remove pine straws and fallen leaves) 
  • Hedge trimmers and mowers (for yard maintenance)  
  • Mini cultivator (to help renourish garden beds by blending compost with the soil)