
Reducing Waste In And Out Of Your Home

Simple Solutions For Fighting Pollution

Humans have adopted the habits that have caused the planet to suffer for the longest time and will continue to do so if a change is not made. It is the essential need and necessity of time to work for a cause to lead a better lifestyle, save the planet, and help the environment to heal.
With each passing day, tons of waste are produced by human activities that end up in oceans and landfills, affecting marine life, global warming, and climate change. According to the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), humans produce 2.2 billion tons of waste per year, and 11.2 billion tons of solid waste are collected worldwide.
The organic proportion produced by the decay of solid waste makes up to 5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The significance of waste produced by each person is causing adverse effects on the environment. Anyone has the power to change for the better by adopting sustainable practices and the most amount of waste is produced at home through the developed habits and choices adopted at home that carry over into public settings. However, it is important to take necessary actions and change them to reduce maximum waste and your carbon footprint.

Refuse, Redeuce, Reuse, and Recycle

Eco-friendly habits can start with the four R’s of refusing, reducing, reusing, and recycling all materials possible, especially with disposable single-use items. It’s recommended to stick to the order of the four R’s for the best results in cutting back on waste.
Refuse to accept wasteful materials, when possible, with disposable single-use products being the most common like utensils, bags, takeout containers, and more. The best way is to reuse and recycle harmful materials and household items.
Reuse your plastic water bottles and turn them into house planters and food containers made from plastic to store or refrigerate food. Look for items with recyclable packaging like mason jars and cardboard materials that can be reused around the household. Limit buying plastic bags and replace them with a reusable tote bag to bring your grocery items home; reusable water bottles also help reduce waste. 


When wasted food ends up in landfills, it turns into methane gas and produces carbon emissions. Food scraps from your kitchen can easily become useful to make compost, preventing them from reaching landfills. It will reduce waste and will improve the soil quality of your garden. 

Save Water

Reducing waste also includes water waste, which is why it is important to make sure you use water wisely and save it. Close your taps while you brush your teeth and limit your shower time to save water. Water leaks are one of the reasons that add to water waste; check your toilets and sink if any leaks frequently occur to prevent water wastage. 

Reducing Waste Outdoors

While it is essential to reduce waste in your home, it is equally important to check how much waste you produce outdoors. Your carbon footprint is increased more out of your home than inside it and these are a few tips to reduce waste outside your home. 

Green Purchasing

Buy eco-friendly products and adopt the habit of green purchasing. Look for products that are bio-degradable and environmentally friendly. Invest in purchasing recycled paper and stationery items for your office. Look for products with minimal packaging and buy organic products. 


Save your vehicle’s fuel and use public transport for the commute to prevent carbon emissions. Ride a bicycle to your school or office if they are nearby. Instead of taking the car to your nearby parks and community centers, cover the distance by walking. 

Dispose of Items Properly

Avoid littering and dispose of your waste properly when you are outdoors. If you are eating out, keep the packets with you until you find a dustbin or take it home as a collectible to make a compost mix.
Public dustbins usually have labels for different categories to dispose of various materials; ensure you throw your litter according to the classification. It helps in recycling and reduces waste to keep the environment clean. 

If you are an environmental enthusiast and eager to make a change by reducing waste in and out of your home, follow the few tips mentioned above to impact the planet positively.